
Whitney Thompson of ANTM Fame Is Here to Chat About Being One of the World’s Most Recognizable Plus-Size Models

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Convincing the fashion industry to hire (and champion) women with diverse body types can sometimes feel like a herculean task, but Whitney Thompson, yes, that one, is doing just that. Gorgeous, successful, and groundbreaking, the first plus-size model to win ANTM is hanging out in the discussion section right now to answer your questions about what it's like to be a head-turner with a mission.

We all need to retrain our brains when it comes to how we think about modeling, body image and encouraging change within the media. That sentiment is why, with the help of Virgin Mobile, we brought Whitney here today. Because, like how Whitney refuses to let absurd industry standards get in her way, Virgin Mobile wants you to break free from the things holding you back.


So, now's your chance to ask Whitney how she's gone about convincing the modeling world there is a better way to get things done. And while you're at it, tweet a link to this post (grab it here) and a little bit about how you'd like to retrain your brain using the hashtag #retrainyourbrain. This will enter you to win a $200 American Express gift card (suggested use: let the $200 help you break free from whatever is keeping you down, like being overcharged in your current wireless "situation", or not yet knowing the recipe for Whitney's chocolate peanut butter balls) and a Samsung Galaxy Reverb courtesy of Virgin Mobile.


Standard contest rules apply. Only open to US residents. Readers may also enter by sending their contact information to Gawker Media, Attn: Retrain Your Brain, 210 Elizabeth Street, Third Floor, New York, NY 10012. The contest begins on February 25, 2013 at 11:59 AM ET and ends on April 30, 2013 at 11:59 PM ET.