
Watch Two Original Talking Heads React to Documentary Now's Riff on Stop Making Sense

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Tina Weymouth and Chris Frantz, founding members of Talking Heads and Tom Tom Club, are music legends. That’s most obvious when watching Stop Making Sense, a famed 1984 movie capturing the Talking Heads in concert. Filmed at Hollywood’s Pantages Theater, it spans three nights of shows.


The film is so legendary that this year Fred Armisen and Bill Hader made a parody of Stop Making Sense called Final Transmission, for IFC’s Documentary Now!


So we wondered: What would Tina and Chris think of the homage? Would they hate it? Or would they love it? You don’t have to keep guessing. That’s right — they watched it, and these are their reactions. Watch to find out!

And don’t forget to tune into Documentary Now! on IFC, every Wednesday at 10pm.

Nandita Raghuram is a Senior Writer at Studio@Gawker. She tweets here.

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IFC’s Documentary Now! and Studio@Gawker.