
This Model Train Set is The World's Hugest and Tiniest, At The Same Time

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Meet Bruce Zaccagnino, the creator of Northlandz, the world's largest model railroad. 16 acres, 50,000 feet of track, and enough lumber to build 42 houses. It's easy to call Northlandz a novelty or a neat place to see trains. But without visiting and seeing it for yourself (as I was lucky enough to do), it's hard to tell that it's so much more.


Northlandz is stories as told in the form of miniature figurines. It's humor, quirk, and charm. It's years of labor and love. As you cross from room to room (there are dozens), you realize in awe that Northlandz is one man's vision manifested. It's easy for Northlandz to not get the justice it deserves, sure — it's likely that you've never even heard of it. But that's all changing. In Sony's "Separate Together" project, the brand is pairing artist with engineer, and using their innovative QX100 lens-style Camera to capture the world of Northlandz in a way it has never been captured before.


So why bring together engineers and artists? Both are makers, both have visions that they bring to life, and the two have reciprocal relationships if you think about it — engineers create the tools that artists work with. Much like the engineers behind Sony's QX100 lens-style cameras had an impossible dream — to separate camera from phone — so did Bruce.


Watch the teaser, and you'll get a peek at exactly the magic — mixed with a little bit of inventors madness — Bruce and miniature photographer Matthew Albanese created when they got together at Northlandz.


Stay tuned for the full length "Separate Together" documentary coming soon, and for more information on the QX100 lens-style camera, head to Sony.

Lisbeth Ortega is a writer based out of San Francisco. She was head editor at Photojojo from 2010 to 2013. Her speciality is cameras, mobile photography, and tech. She waits years to develop film.


This post is a sponsored collaboration between Sony and Studio@Gawker.