
This Infographic Shows Why Driving is Safer With a Second Set of Eyes

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Focusing on the road ahead when you're driving can be a real challenge. Whether it's an urgent text message, a crying baby in the backseat, or a biker weaving through traffic, something's always clamoring for your attention. But what if you had an extra set of eyes and ears to keep you alert and aware behind the wheel?

Well, humans haven't yet evolved beyond having one set each, but the humans at Subaru developed EyeSight® technology to make the machines we drive more like alert copilots. With features like Pre-Collision Braking, Throttle Management, and Lane Departure and Sway Warning, EyeSight allows man and machine to team up, making the car a more intelligent form of transportation. Check out the infographic below to see how the intelligence of EyeSight technology helps keep us human drivers safe when we're behind the wheel.


The future may bring the capacity for man to merge with machine, but until then, Subaru's EyeSight technology provides drivers with automatic assistance in the present. Head here to learn more about how Subaru is helping to make its cars safer and more aware with EyeSight.


This post is a sponsored collaboration between Subaru and Studio@Gawker.