
Sharing Your Favorite Hobby Might Win You The Money To Actually Do It

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If it weren’t for the necessity of paying bills, I’d probably quit my job and devote all my time to my favorite hobbies: backpacking, analog photography, cooking, and obsessing over Sonic Youth, to name just a few. It’s a shame that more people don’t have enough time or resources to put toward their passions — which makes it all the more exciting that the folks at DieHard, America’s most trusted auto battery brand, are offering an opportunity for 14 people to win $4,000 (!) to spend on their most diehard interests.

DieHard’s From The Start contest is open to anyone with an all-consuming passion, no matter what it is. Current entries range from road trips and video games to BBQ and DIY. So what are your most intense hobbies and pastimes? All you need to do to enter is submit a photograph and a short story describing what makes you a diehard fan, and you’ll be in the running. Vote for your favorite entries and cross your fingers for that sweet, sweet grand prize.


Read the contest rules here.

Angela Wang is a Senior Writer for Studio@Gawker.

This post is a sponsored collaboration between DieHard and Studio@Gawker.