It’s no surprise that kids tend to thrash their parents at video games: Their brains soak in information quickly, their fingers move faster, and they have more leisure time to play. But with the right training, can a parent master these skills and pwn their kids?
We gave parents crash courses in three very different video games — led by gaming fanatic Jake Saleh — before pitting them against their kids in one-off matches. In the first video in our series, Jocelyn (a parent) faces off against Kyan (her kid) in Divekick, a two-button fighting game with a delightful throwback vibe.
Can Jocelyn land enough headshots to score a victory, or will Kyan continue his reign as the undefeated champion of the household?
Watch the showdown to see who triumphs — and remember to stock up on Energizer® Ultimate Lithium™ batteries before you game. As the #1 longest lasting AA batteries, with a 20-year shelf life to boot, they’re guaranteed to keep you playing.
Angela Wang is a Senior Writer for Studio@Gizmodo.
This post is a sponsored collaboration between Energizer® and Studio@Gizmodo.