
Head to the Movies on Us with This $150 AMC Gift Card

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You like movies. You have friends. So it stands to reason you’d want to hang out with them, what with all the great movies coming out these days. You kiiinda don’t wanna miss out, right? Unless you want to be a social outcast.

So why don’t you get up off your butt and see something? That’s why we’re giving away this $150 AMC gift card. So you can go out and have a good time on us for your next big group hang. Just fill out the survey over on the left, and you’re entered to win.


Contest Rules

Standard contest rules apply. Only open to US residents. To enter, email your answer to the survey question on the left of the page to surveys@gawker.com with "$150 AMC Gift Card Survey" as the subject line. (Not seeing it? That means you may have already taken this survey, or one similar; you can still enter the contest by sending the first word on the ad on the left to surveys@gawker.com.) You can also enter by sending your answer to the survey question (or the first word on the ad on the left) and your contact information to Gawker Media, Attn: $150 AMC Gift Card Survey, 210 Elizabeth Street, Third Floor, New York, NY 10012. The contest began on July 11 at 12:00 PM ET and ends on December 31 at 11:59 PM ET.
