
15 Game-Changing Technologies and How They've Helped Us Innovate

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Like much of today’s technology, the world’s first television was light years away from the televisions we now use. Back then, families crouched in front of flickering, black-and-white pictures that crackled in an out whenever a plane flew over the house. These days, watching television doesn’t even have to involve a television.

Batteries have similarly evolved over time. In fact, Energizer®EcoAdvancedTM batteries contain technology that stems directly from past breakthroughs. By drawing on innovations of the past, the technology of today will pave the way for a future that’s better, brighter, and good to Mother Earth. The infographic below details that process, showing how appliances we take for granted have evolved thanks to transformative development and constant reinvention.


Hitting the snooze button in the morning hardly seems like an innovative activity, but it has its roots in inventive and ingenious technologies. And just like alarm clocks and smartphones, new technologies and past innovations constantly join forces to create breakthroughs and reshape our future for the better.

Nandita Raghuram is a senior writer for Studio@Gawker.

This post is a sponsored collaboration between Energizer and Studio@Gawker.